Special Spring Holiday Course
13-Aug-2021 | 7:41 PM

Pre-Uni New College will offer Years K-6 students with special holiday courses during the 2nd week of the spring school holiday period from 27th September to 1st October.

Year 6 courses are designed to help students make a successful transition to Year 7 by building up a solid foundation by developing essential English skills in reading and wrting.

Year 5 students will continue the selective trial test course (STTC) that will be Intensive trial test practice for their success in the 2022 selective high school placement tests

Year 4 spring holiday OCTTC will be the last programme we provide before their OC placement test on 6th October.

Yrs K-3 course will revise and reinforce the foundations of their learning to begin the new term equipped with the ability and self-confidence and get ahead of their peers

For more information, please download the holiday course newsletter below

Don’t miss out— Book Now!