How to use Cyberschool
Q. How can I get my Cyberschool account?
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    Go to


    Click ‘Register’ on the top right corner of the main page.


    Enter your student id number, date of birth and email address in the registration fields. Click the ‘Sign up’ button.


    Once you have submitted, you will be given a verification email, where it will contain the activation link.


    Check your email inbox to find the verification email from the Cyberschool team. If you can’t find it in your inbox, check the junk folder. It will eb there, if so, unmark it as junk.


    Click on the activation link. If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste the link into the address bar of your internet browser and press the enter key.


    The link will open a window for password creation (Sign up) page. Enter your desired password twice in the following fields and click Submit.


    Once registered, you will be logged into the site. The login status bar is located on the top right of the page.


    Next time you want to log in , click ‘Login’ and enter your student number and password.

Q. I forgot my password.
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    Click Login at the top right of the page.


    ‘Click Forgot your password?’ menu next to the Login button.


    Enter your student id number, date of birth, email address and click ‘Submit’.


    Check your email account for your temporary password.


    Log on to the Cyberschool with your temporary password.

Q. How can I change my password?
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    Log on to the Cyberschool and click ‘My Account’ on the top right corner of the main page.


    Click ‘Change my password’ menu and enter new password twice then click ‘Submit’.


    A confirmation message will appear.

Video Lesson
Q. What is Video Lesson?
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  • Cyberschool provides the lesson videos to Years 1-10 students who enrol in regular term EMG/WEMG/WEMT/6+/Secondary course. Every question in the main English, Maths, Thinking Skills and General Ability book is explained audibly in the video lessons. Students who struggle and wish to review recent modules can access these online lessons to reinforce concepts or questions they are not completely sure with.

    Years 5-6 STTC (NSW Only) students can watch the Writing Review Lesson on the M.R./T.S. test weeks to learn how to pinpoint the writing instructions, plan your writing, keep it structured and get the highest mark. For the normal term only, Poem Annotation Guide Lesson will also be provided to help students understand how to annotate the poem appeared in the recent STTC test.
Q. How to View the Video Lessons?
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    Go to ‘Video Lesson’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.


    Click on the lesson icon for the desired subject.


    Each Video Lesson will be available for three weeks from every Saturday for the corresponding module.

Module Answer
Q. When can I access the module answer?
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  • Year K-10 students can download their module answers at the Cyberschool website. Each week’s answer files are uploaded to the Material page every Saturday (Schedule may differ for secondary courses). Answers are downloadable during normal term course period only. After the term ends, they will become unavailable.
Q. How to Download Module Answers?
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    Go to ‘Module Answer’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.


    Click on the answer icon for the desired subject and the file download will start.


    Module Answers will expire at the end of next holiday. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.

MR/TS Workbook Answer & Practice Question
Q. What is MR/TS Workbook Answer & Practice Question?
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  • MR/TS Workbook that contains additional practice questions will be given at the end of the class during MR/TS test weeks. Module answer of this material will be provided for Year 5 STTC students on the first day of the week, and will downloadable until the term finishes.

    To be familiar with the computer test condition, these questions will also be provided online for the next two (2) weeks. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.
Q. How to Download the Workbook Answer
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    Go to ‘Extra Module Answer’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the menu bar.


    Download the PDF file within given period.


    Parents can set a 6-digit passcode to download module answers, ensuring secure and controlled access.


    Click on the 'Set Passcode' button to establish your passcode. Once set, this passcode will be required each time you access the module answer page.

Q. How to Do Practice Question
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    Go to ‘Online Supplementary Test’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the menu bar.


    Click ‘Start’ button to begin the test. Click ‘Finish’ button at the top right corner when completed the test.


    Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.

STTC Challenge & Result Page
Q. What is STTC Challenge?
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  • STTC Challenge offers an opportunity for students to retry up to fifteen (15) reading, mathematical reasoning and thinking skills questions which they answered incorrectly in their previous tests. When you  FINISH reviewing Challenging,  NEW Challenging questions will be revealed.
Q. When and how long can I attempt the STTC Challenge?
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  • You will have maximum of 14 days for each STTC Challenge – from the following week Saturday after the test week concludes. (For holiday courses, the STTC Challenge opens from the following day.)
Q. I can’t see any questions. What’s the problem?
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  • The service automatically retrieves the questions that you answered incorrectly in the recent session, unless one of the following conditions applies:
    • You didn't attend the test.
    • The test results haven't yet been recorded.
    • You answered all the questions correctly.
Q. How many questions are available for each challenge?
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  • After completion of MR & TS Challenge, students can attempt extra challenge questions (5 questions for each subject) during the challenge period. 8.
    After completion of Reading Challenge, students can attempt additional reading test (1+1 Reading) during the challenge period. The test will be online format at the Cyberschool and contains 30 questions to be completed in 40 minutes
Q. How many questions will I see in each retest?
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  • Each challenge contains maximum of 5 questions and you have 2 minutes per question. After the 1st attempt, the next retest will show only the questions you got wrong.
Q. I can’t see the ‘Review’ button.
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  • The ‘Review’ button will appear when you answered all questions correctly or after the second retest.
Q. I can see my test score, but not my rank.
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  • Your rank will be shown after gathering all other students’ results, which usually takes one week of the test. Please check again on the following Saturday.
Q. When can I get my overall ranking and overall score?
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  • To be able to produce the correct overall score and ranking, we need to collect all test scores (Reading, Writing, Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills) from all STTC students. Therefore, it usually takes two weeks. Please check them out two weeks later after your test.
Q. My Mathematical Reasoning score is 24. Does it mean I got 24% correct answers?
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  • No, it’s your raw (original) test score – number of questions you answered correctly in the test. So, your Mathematical Reasoning score 24 means you got 69% (24 out of 35) correct answers.
Q. How was my overall score calculated?
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  • Overall score (Maximum score: 100) = Reading (25%) + Writing(25%) + M.R.(25%) + T.S.(25%)
Q. I discontinued my STTC. Can I still access my previous STTC results online?
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  • No, it’s only available during your STTC enrolment period. When you resume your STTC, it will become available again.
Q. Can I see the questions from earlier tests?
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  • The service only provides the recent Reading, M.R. and T.S. test questions. The 14-day review policy will be strictly implemented, so please don’t miss out the review service each week within its review period.
Q. How to Access My STTC Result Page
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    Click ‘My Result’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ menu in the menu bar.


    Click ‘Selectice Trial Test Course’ tab. You will then be able to see following information.

    • raw score of the test (on the next day)
    • online test report (on the next day)
    • ranking of the test (one week later)
    • overall score (after completion of all tests)
    • overall ranking (after completion of all tests)
    • STTC online review link (when applicable)

    On the online version test report, you will see following information.

    • MR&TS Decription guide video links
    • student’s raw score (red diamond) and band score in the test (10%/15%/25%/50% of students who sat the test)
    • each question’s level of difficulty (0%-100%)
STTC Review (SA&VIC)
Q. What is STTC Review?
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  • STTC Review offers an opportunity for STTC students to retry up to ten (10) maths, and up to ten (10) general ability questions which they answered incorrectly in their previous STTC.
Q. How to Access the STTC Review (STTC Challenge)
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    Go to ‘Challenge’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ menu in the menu bar.


    Read and agree to the Conditions of Use.


    STTC Challenge page will appear with the test number and challenge (retest/review) period.


    Click on the test subject – Reading, Mathematical Reasoning or Thinking Skills.


    Click ‘Start Retest’ button to begin the retest. Attempt the questions under the test condition and click Finish to check the result.


    Revise and retry the questions (using Review & Try Again buttons) until you got all correct answers.


    After completion of MR & TS Challenge, students can attempt extra challenge questions (5 questions for each subject) during the challenge period.


    After completion of Reading Challenge, students can attempt additional reading test (1+1 Reading) during the challenge period. The test will be online format at the Cyberschool and contains 30 questions to be completed in 40 minutes.

Q. When can I see the questions after the test?
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  • For students who completed the STTC Maths and G.A. test on a Saturday through to Friday of the same week, the review service will be available on the next Saturday.
Q. How long can I see the questions once they become available?
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  • The questions of each test are available to review for 14 days only.
Q. I can't see any questions. What's the problem?
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  • The service automatically retrieves the questions you incorrectly answered in the recent STTC session, unless you didn't attend the test, or the test results haven't yet been recorded.
Q. I can't find the question I want to see.
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  • It shows maximum of 10 Maths questions and 10 G.A. questions based on your actual test result. If you missed out more than 10 questions in each test, the hardest 10 questions are selected for your review. If the question you want to see is not harder than the chosen 10 questions already provided, it will not appear.
Q. Can I see the questions from earlier tests?
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  • The service only provides the recent STTC Maths and G.A. test questions. The 14-day review policy will be strictly implemented, so please don’t miss out the review service each week within its review period.
STTC Top 5 Writings
Q. What is Top 5 Writing?
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  • STTC Top 5 Writing offers an opportunity for STTC students to view the top 5 writing responses as exemplars.
Q. How to Access the STTC Top 5 Writing
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    Go to ‘Top 5 Writing’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ menu in the menu bar.


    Click test number to review.


    Attempt passage arrangement activities (5 top-level student responses).

Q. When can I see the top 5 writings after the test?
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  • For students who completed the STTC Writing test on a Saturday through to Friday of the same week, the Top 5 Writing service will be available on the next Wednesday.
Q. How long can I see the writings once they become available?
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  • The top 5 writings of each test are available to review for 14 days only.
    * Service schedule of holiday course may differ.
Writing Review Lesson and Re-Test
Q. What is Writing Review Lesson and Re-Test?
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  • After completion of writing test for the week, its review video will be posted on the Cyberschool ‘Extra Video Lesson’ page in the following week (M.R./T.S. test week). This lesson video will explain how to pinpoint the writing instructions, plan your writing, keep it structured and get the highest mark.

    If your writing trial test score for the week is below the test average mark, you can attempt it again with the same writing task. Type and submit your writing in 30 minutes in the test window. We will then assess your second writing and provide a feedback for further improvement. Please note that the writing retest score does not replace your original writing score.

    The STTC Writing Re-Test service opens during normal term STTC M.R./T.S. trial test weeks only and not available during the holiday course period.
Q. How to Watch Writing Review Lesson
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    Go to ‘Extra Video Lesson’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the menu bar.


    Click the video link icon to open the video player and watch the lesson video.

Q. How to Do Writing Re-Test
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    Go to ‘Online Supplementary Test’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the top menu bar.


    Click ‘Start’ button under Writing Re-Test to begin the test.


    Click ‘Finish’ button at the top right corner when completed the test.


    Go to the ‘My Result’ to check details with teacher comment.

Q. When and how long can I access the writing re-test services?
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  • The services open during normal term STTC M.R./T.S. trial test week (Saturday to Friday) only and not available during the holiday STTC.
Q. There is no start button for the writing retest in my test window.
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  • If you didn’t take the writing test in the previous week, its retest is not available.
Q. When I go to the online supplementary test page, I can’t see the STTC tab.
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  • The STTC tab is only visible during the scheduled service period. It’s not visible if you discontinued the STTC.
OCFC Challenge
Q. What is OCFC Challenge?
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  • OCFC Challenge offers an opportunity for students to retry reading, mathematical reasoning and thinking skills questions which they answered incorrectly in their previous tests.
Q. When and how long can I attempt the OCFC Challenge?
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  • You will have maximum of 14 days for each OCFC Challenge – from the following week Saturday after the test week concludes.
Q. I can’t see any questions. What’s the problem?
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  • The service automatically retrieves the questions that you answered incorrectly in the recent session, unless one of the following conditions applies:
    • You didn't attend the test.
    • The test results haven't yet been recorded.
    • You answered all the questions correctly.
Q. How many questions will I see in each retest?
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  • Each retest contains maximum of five (5) questions, and you have 2 minutes per question. After the first attempt, the next retest will show only the questions you got wrong.
Q. I can’t see the ‘Review’ button.
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  • The ‘Review’ button will appear when you answered all questions correctly or after the second retest.
Q. Can I see the questions from earlier tests?
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  • The service only provides the recent test questions. The 14-day review policy will be strictly implemented, so please don’t miss out the review service each week within its review period.
OCTTC Challenge & Result Page
Q. What is OCTTC Challenge?
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  • OCTTC Challenge offers an opportunity for students to retry up to fifteen (15) reading, mathematical reasoning and thinking skills questions which they answered incorrectly in their previous tests.
Q. When and how long can I attempt the OCTTC Challenge?
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  • You will have maximum of 14 days for each OCTTC Challenge – from the following week Saturday after the test week concludes.
Q. I can’t see any questions. What’s the problem?
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  • The service automatically retrieves the questions that you answered incorrectly in the recent session, unless one of the following conditions applies:
    • You didn't attend the test.
    • The test results haven't yet been recorded.
    • You answered all the questions correctly.
Q. How many questions are available for each challenge?
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  • It retrieves the maximum of 15 questions per subject you answered incorrectly in the recent tests. The order of the questions varies depending on your test score and test average score.
Q. How many questions will I see in each retest?
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  • Each retest contains maximum of five (5) questions, and you have 2 minutes per question. After the first attempt, the next retest will show only the questions you got wrong.
Q. I can’t see the ‘Review’ button.
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  • The ‘Review’ button will appear when you answered all questions correctly or after the second retest.
Q. Can I see the questions from earlier tests?
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  • The service only provides the recent test questions. The 14-day review policy will be strictly implemented, so please don’t miss out the review service each week within its review period.
Q. How to Access My OCTTC Result Page
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    Click ‘My Result’ under ‘MY COURSES > OCTTC’ menu in the top menu bar.


    You will then be able to see following information.

    • component & overall score of the test
    • your test report (online version)
    • your ranking in the test (one week later)
    • OCTTC review link (when applicable)

    On the online version test report, you will see following information.

    • MR&TS Decription guide video links
    • student’s raw score (red diamond) and band score in the test (10%/15%/25%/50% of students who sat the test)
    • each question’s level of difficulty (0%-100%)
Online Live Lesson
Q. What is Online Live Lesson?
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  • To boost WEMT learning, Year 3-5 WEMT course students (both Standard and Cyber options) will be able to attend bonus online live lessons (Tuesday: English / Wednesday: Maths / Thursday: MR&TS) alongside regular WEMT class and video lessons.
Q. How to Attend Online Live Lesson
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    Navigate to MY COURSES > WEMT > Live Extra Support Lesson on the sidebar.

    2 The upcoming lesson schedule will be displayed with the Join button for each session.

    When it's time for the lesson, simply click the "Join" button to join the lesson.

Q. What is S.O.Q?
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  • Complete all S.O.Q is strongly encouraged for students, as these quizzes are helpful to build up a solid foundation in each area. Four (4) online quizzes will appear in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the course. The Special Online Quiz will expire at the end of next holiday. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.
Q. How to do S.O.Q
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    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ button on the subject you want to attempt. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.

    Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.


    S.O.Q completion chart will be included on the Term Test Report, so please finish all tests by Week 0 of the term.

Vocabulary Test
Q. What is Vocabulary Test?
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  • Building a strong vocabulary is critical as it improves all areas of communication and leads them to succeed in future selection tests like selective high school exam. Students with high vocabulary skills tend to have high comprehension scores in English and thinking skills tests.

    For these reasons, Cyberschool is offering students the online vocabulary test each week. Students thoroughly study the Vocabulary Skills module during the week and take the test to assess their knowledge of the meaning and use of those words.

    The Vocabulary Test will expire at the end of next holiday. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.
Q. How to do Vocabulary Test
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ of each module’s test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.

    Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section as well. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.


    Test results and review service are accessible at ‘My Result’ section as well.

Vocabulary List & Vocab Practice Test
Q. What is Vocabulary List & Vocab Practice Test?
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  • Building a strong vocabulary is critical as it leads to higher scores in the selective school reading and writing tests. Year 5 STTC students are provided with the vocabulary list for this reason. Students must memorise them all and attempt the vocabulary test at Cyberschool.

    Vocabulary lists will be provided along with English workbook and as a pdf file format at Cyberschool, and the related practice tests will be provided online.

    The vocabulary list and test will be uploaded on the first day (Saturday) of Writing and Reading tests week and available for the next two (2) weeks. Students must download it and attempt the test as soon as it’s uploaded on Saturday and study it.
Q. How to Download the Vocabulary List
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Extra Material’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the menu bar.

    2 Download the PDF file within given period to memorise for the following week’s test.
Q. How to Do Vocabulary Practice Test
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Supplementary Test’ below ‘MY COURSES > STTC’ on the menu bar.


    Click ‘Start’ button to begin the test. Click ‘Finish’ button at the top right corner when completed the test.

    3 Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.
Online Homework
Q. What is TS/MR Homework Question?
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  • For more practice on Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking Skills, Year 5 WEMT course students will be able to attepmt 5 questions each as a homework every week until Week 10. The TS/MR Homework Question will expire at the end of every term. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.

    Five{5) sets of revision tests will open during the school holiday period, to support our WEMT students’ continuing studies. These revision tests are designed to help students revise the previous mathematical reasoning and thinking skills topics and prepare for their next term WEMT studies.
Q. How to Complete Homework Question
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ of each module’s test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.
    3 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section as well. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.

    Test results and review service are accessible at ‘My Result’ section as well.

WEMT Re-Writing
Q. What is Year 5 Standard WEMT Re-Writing?
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  • Year 5 WEMT Writing lesson is designed as below.
    • THEORY LESSON WEEK (weeks 1,4,7) : Students will be introduced to the Writing Text Type in class.
    • WRITING TASK WEEK (weeks 2,5,8) : Students complete their writing module in class under teacher’s guidance and submit for teacher’s marking and feedback.
    • REVIEW WEEK (weeks 3,6,9) : Teachers return the marked writing to students with feedback. They then discuss more in-depth with students using the review module.
    After reviewing the previous week’s writing module with your teacher, you can attempt the same module task again at home. log in to Cyberschool and submit your rewriting by the due date. Your teacher will then assess it and provide additional feedback.
Q. How to Do WEMT Re-Writing
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  • 1

    Go to ‘My Result’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Retry’ button to start the test. Type your writing within given time and submit the writing by clicking ‘Finish’ button.
    3 Test results will be sent out via email in 1-2 days.
Q. Who can access the WEMT rewriting service?
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  • It’s for Year 5 Standard WEMT (Advanced) students. Not applicable for the Cyber WEMT and other grade students.
Q. When and how long can I access the WEMT rewriting service?
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  • The service will open on REVIEW week (weeks 3,6 and 9) and available until the expiry date of each module.
Q. Is there a time limit for rewriting?
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  • Yes, you will have 25 minutes to type and submit your writing.
Q. After submitting my rewriting, how can I check the outcome?
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  • Once the assessment of your rewriting finishes marking (usually 1-2 days later), you will receive the results via email.
Q. I cannot find ‘Retry’ button.
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  • Re-Writing service are provided to students who have the marked scores of writing task from Writing TASK week(Weeks 2,5,8).
S-Maths Homework
Q. What is Supplymentary Maths Homework?
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  • The Supplementary Maths(S-Maths) online homework is provided to Year 5 WEMT students as an extra homework. Each week’s test corresponds to the topics studied in the respective module of the WEMT Maths book. Students are encouraged to complete weekly test questions to develop a strong mathematical skill.

    The S-Maths modules questions will expire at the end of next holiday. Please note the date and remember to access them when available.
Q. How to Do S-Maths Homework
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ of each module’s test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.
    3 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section as well. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.
    4 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘My Result’ section as well.
Novel Study Homework
Q. What is Novel Study Homework?
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  • For more practice on English, Year 5 WEMT course students will be able to attempt additional module questions of Novel Study as a homework during the term.

    Each week’s test will be posted on Saturday, and available to complete until the end of the next holiday course period. Each module corresponds to the chapter(s) of the respective module of the WEMT Novel book. Students will be tested Comprehension, Quotes, Verbal Reasoning, Language and Vocabulary quesitons.
Q. How to Do Novel Study Homework
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ of each module’s test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.
    3 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section as well. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.
    4 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘My Result’ section as well.
Reading Comprehension Tests
Q. What is Novel Study Homework?
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  • For more practice on English, Year 5 WEMT course students will be able to attempt additional module questions of Novel Study as a homework during the term.

    Each week’s practice question wet will be posted on Saturday, and available to complete until the end of the next holiday course period. Practice questions of different text and question types will be helpful for students who prepare for selective high school exam.
Q. How to Do Reading Comprehension Tests
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Online Homework’ below ‘MY COURSES > WEMT’ on the menu bar.

    2 Click ‘Start’ of each module’s test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start’. The quiz questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.
    3 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘Online Test’ section as well. If the test mark is ‘O’, ‘Re-Test’ button will appear to reset the test. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Practice’ button next to the ‘Test Review’. This will not affect to the original score.
    4 Test results and review service are accessible at ‘My Result’ section as well.
Online Term Test
Q. What is the Online Term Test?
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  • Year 5 WEMT course students will take the term tests in week 8 of each term. Term test is for assessment and subsequent reporting - generating valuable feedback for students and parents, this also will be the only indicator of next term’s class allocation.

    Students must complete all tests within the test opening period as there will be NO catch-up tests available after the test period.

    Term test reports will be sent out to the parents by email at the end of the term. The report contains the information about total marks, achievement level (position), comprehensive comments on each test component and students’ Special Online Quiz (S.O.Q) scores. Students must complete all S.O.Q by week 9 to make the scores available on their report.

    Students can access the term test review service during the first week of each school holiday period and review the (max 10) Maths and Thinking Skills term test questions they missed. They are encouraged to revise all questions it provides and build up a solid foundation before their next term’s studies.
Q. How to Complete the Online Term Test
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  • 1

    Go to ‘Term TEST’ on the menu bar.


    You will then see the test subjects and start buttons like below. Click ‘Start’ button to begin the test. Read the test instruction and when you’re ready, click ‘Start’ at the bottom of the screen.

    3 Read each question carefully and show your answer using the mouse.
    4 When you completed the test, click ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.
Term Test Review
Q. What is Term Test Review?
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  • Cyberschool provides the Term Test Review service to Years K-10 course students during the first week of each school holiday period. This service will enable students to revise their Maths, T.S. or G.A. and Science term test questions online at their own pace. It will provide a maximum of ten (10) questions they answered incorrectly in their maths and thinking skills/general ability/science tests. Students are encouraged to revise all questions it provides and build up a solid foundation before their next term’s studies.
GA Practice for Scholarship Test
Q. What is GA for Scholarship?
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  • GA Practice for Scholarship Test is an online self-paced test practice that is designed for students who want to build a solid foundation for general ability skills, especially for the preparation of the AAS, ACER or Edutest private school scholarship tests.

    The tests cover both verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills and each section is categorised into a comprehensive number of question types. By taking this tests, students will be able to do thorough study of almost all possible question types and complete a variety of practical, challenging and mind-stimulating questions.

    Students currently taking our regular term course in NSW can take this course for free until the next term begins.
Q. How to Do GA Scholarship Test
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    Login to Cyberschool.


    Go to ‘GA for Scholarship’ below ‘EXTRA STUDY RESOURCES’ on the menu bar.


    Click ‘Start’ of each category test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start.' The questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.


    Click the test score (or Test Review button) to review all questions. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Re-Test’ button.

Reading 310
Q. What is Reading 310 Test?
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  • Reading 310 Test is an online self-paced test practice that is designed for students to help them enhance their reading comprehension skill for the preparation of selection tests like selective school placement and private school scholarship tests.

    Each test contains a comprehensive number of reading questions covering inference skills for reading with short passage, true/false, gapped texts etc. Students can log in to Cyberschool and attempt up to 10 tests during the term. By completing tests, students will be able to do thorough study of important question types and complete a variety of challenging reading skill questions.

    Years 3 to 6 students currently taking our regular term course can take this course for free until the next term begins.
Q. How to Do Reading 310?
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    Login to Cyberschool.


    Go to ‘Reading 310’ below ‘EXTRA STUDY RESOURCES’ on the menu bar.


    Click ‘Start’ of each category test. Read the instructions and when you are ready, click ‘Start.' The questions will appear on the screen. When you finish all the questions, click the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right corner.


    Click the test score (or Test Review button) to review all questions. Reattempting test is available by clicking ‘Re-Test’ button.

Master 27 Essential Skills
Q. What is Excel in English Exams: Master 27 Essential Skills?
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  • The Master 27ES Course provides a structured approach to mastering essential English skills, ensuring that students are well-equipped to tackle any English exam with confidence.

    This focuses on the following 27 essential English skills:

    1. understanding the writer's purpose
    2. identifying the target audience
    3. recognising and analysing text organisation & structure
    4. comprehending and interpreting information
    5. determining word meanings in context
    6. finding the main idea
    7. drawing conclusions
    8. understanding detail
    9. discerning implied meaning
    10. recognising opinions, attitudes, and feelings
    11. identifying tone
    12. analysing the effect of different viewpoints
    13. recognising cause and effect
    14. examining language features & words/phrases used
    15. identifying figurative language
    16. understanding similes
    17. decoding idioms
    18. recognising synonyms
    19. identifying antonyms,
    20. analysing stylistic features
    21. interpreting jargon
    22. recognising exemplification & comparison
    23. discerning character and author feelings
    24. determining character and author motives
    25. synthesising information
    26. summarizing texts
    27. mastering grammar

    The Master 27ES will provide engaging 27 video lessons with workbooks and practice questions to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of key components and gain the necessary skills to tackle English test questions for NAPLAN, OC, selective school placement and private school scholarships. By mastering the skills taught in this service, students can also establish a strong foundation for effective communication and critical thinking.

    Students currently taking our regular term course can take this course for free until the next term begins.
Q. How to Do Master 27ES?
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    Login to Cyberschool.


    Go to ‘Master 27ES’ below ‘EXTRA STUDY RESOURCES’ on the menu bar.


    Select the 'VOD Lesson' tab to watch the video lessons and access the corresponding workbook links. To open the workbook, enter your student ID number as the password.


    After completing the video lesson, proceed to the 'Practice Questions' tab to access the revision test. Click on the 'Start' button to begin the revision test.


    Upon finishing the test, check your score on the test dashboard page.


    To review the test questions, click on the 'Test Review' button (or click the score). To retake the same questions without affecting your score, click on the green 'Practice' button.